Fan mail

Support is pouring in from all over the world!

Here’s a glimpse at some of the feedback we’re getting (and no, they’re not all relatives!) . . .

Having accidentally discovered the town of Concrete, whilst flying my armchair around Washington state in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, I landed there and decided to find out more about it on the Web. I wish your endeavour well – if I ever visit the USA I will hope to include Concrete in my itinerary – it seems a nice quiet kind of place that deserves to have its own newspaper again.
A resident of Yorkshire County
United Kingdom

Best of luck! I love what you are doing. I really believe that the future of print media is the community paper. Thank you.
Shanon Burke
Tacoma, Wash.

Congratulations on your decision to revive the Concrete Herald newspaper! The Concrete Heritage Museum is donating … to your fund-raising drive, and we wish you the best of success in this endeavor.
Cheri Cook-Blodgett, treasurer
Concrete Heritage Museum Association

Dear Jason:
Please find enclosed a check . . . to assist you in raising your start-up capital for the Concrete Herald. I believe a local newspaper, especially in a small community like Concrete, is important. While not a resident of Concrete, we spend time in the area during the spring and summer months as we have a camping space at Lake Tyee. We enjoy the small town atmosphere of Concrete. Wish you the best of luck on your endeavor and look forward to picking up a few issues when we visit this spring and summer.
Bill Tuckett
Everett, Wash.

Hi Jason,
I’m so glad that you have decided to undertake such an ambitious endeavour. People are what make a community, Concrete has a certain small town charm that I’ve fallen in love with. I continue to devote my free time to encouraging the research and historical documentation of both the Superior Portland Cement Co., and the residents who manufactured the Concrete that built some of America’s engineering landmarks. I wish you much success and look forward to subscribing to your publication in the future.
Douglas Dunn
Coquitlam, B.C.

Doris and I donated . . . through PayPal this morning. We wish you luck in your current endeavor!
Jack and Doris Mears
Concrete, Wash.

I am proud of you, man! Good to see your cause getting all this publicity!
David McAllister
Mount Vernon, Wash.

Is the paper going to be mailed to out-of-town people by subscription? (Editor’s note: Yes!)
We had just paid our subscription ahead on the old Concrete Herald when they closed down. Then we subscribed to the Courier-Times and they quit mail subscriptions. Just wondering, as we will be sure to subscribe to a local, home-area paper. Even after over 30 years of living away, it’s always nice to keep in touch. Thank you.
Geraldine Stafford Ammons
(via e-mail)

Congrats Jason! A color article in the Times and a radio interview two days later . . . We all listened to your interview and are passing around the paper, extremely impressed. Best of luck and please keep us updated!
Shelby Erickson
Purdie Rogers
Seattle, Wash.

Hi Jason! Josef Kunzler here. Sure hope you can get the Concrete Herald back online! Please put me on your updates e-mail list. Thanks for starting up something exciting in these troubled times.
Josef Kunzler
Sedro-Woolley, Wash.
P.S. I put a good word in on my Flickr stream for you after I donated . . .

Hi Jason,
This is the best thing that’s happened in Concrete in quite a while. Here are my personal donation, Pat Buller Photography donation, and Pat’s personal donation . . . I’ll be subscribing as soon as that’s set up, and will definitely be advertising . . . Many thanks, and good luck!
Merlene Buller
Pat Buller Photography
Marblemount, Wash.

Add my name to the subscriber’s list. Enclosed you will please find my payment. I too believe in print: I have my Seattle Times delivered every day! Good luck and may God bless your endeavor!
Frank A. Timmons
Seattle, Wash.
P.S. 80 years, alert!

Hi Jason:
Congratulations on the wonderful article in the Seattle Times and your efforts to re-start-up the Concrete Herald! Great picture too! Life is a challenge and it is neat to see a young man like you face it head-on! Here’s wishing you all the best!
Ed Hume
Ed Hume Enterprises, Inc.
Puyallup, Wash.

Hooray! I just heard that you were going to unearth the [Concrete Herald] — what wonderful news . . . Many thanks for taking this on!
Christie L. Fairchild
Rockport, Wash.

2.11.09 (there’s one in every bunch!)
Jasin, I heard you was tryin’ to make a newspaper. I jes want you to know that I kin help you because I done my letters pritty good in school along with my sypherin. So I jes want you to know that if’n you need any help why you jes holler an I will write bunches of words for you. You got a bunch of paperboys all lined up to spread them papers around? I done that when I was a kid but that was about…les see…. 2009 less 1940…….that comes out to something close to seventy maybe. Well, les forgit that! Anyways I wish you luck an if’n I had enough money I wood send some to you. Buy the way. Wots the name of your paper? I know a good one. ” The Concrete Solid Citizen”  Git it? Concrete= Solid. Thats a good one don’t you think? Sending you some good luck.
Yer frend,
Bob Parks
Auburn, Wash.
(Editor’s note: Yes, it’s a joke!)

Dear Jason:
As a long-time supporter of small town newspapers, I’d like to make a small donation to your efforts toward re-establishing the Concrete Herald as a regular publication. Good for you! Good luck in your campaign!
Nancy Paris
Coupeville, Wash.

Dear Jason,
Congratulations on your new venture. I’ll be looking forward to seeing a copy of your first edition. I’m sure it will be great!
Katherine Lange
Gig Harbor, Wash.

Used to love to read the Concrete Herald when I lived Up Valley. Looking forward to seeing the Concrete Herald coming alive again.
Eli Warren
Sedro-Woolley, Wash.

I read the recent article about reviving the newspaper in Concrete! Good for you and I support your ambition! The very best of luck…and let me know how it goes and if there is any way I can help.
Linda Pruitt, principal/owner
The Cottage Company

You are AWESOME! I am going to be able to say, “I once knew Jason…” I played your interview for my grandparents. My grandfather said you have more gumption than he ever did. 🙂 It’s great to see you using your God-given creativity. Best wishes on this endeavor.
Donna McAllister
Mount Vernon, Wash.

Dear Mr. Miller:
I was browsing through the Seattle Times last Saturday, Feb. 7, when I came upon your story, “A paper with Concrete Support.”
When I was a child our family of five often tent-camped in the Concrete area, and my father always took time to wander the streets of Concrete, whether we were coming or going to our campsite. He would go through the shops, visit with the townspeople and thoroughly enjoy himself. He also discovered Concrete had a newspaper, so even though we lived in West Seattle and didn’t know anyone in Concrete, he subscribed to the Concrete Herald and loved reading it each day it arrived at our home. He always filled the rest of us in on Concrete gossip.
Unfortunately, he died in a bicycle accident in 1982, but I think my mother continued to receive issues of the newspaper for a year or so afterwards.
Now, every time my husband and I drive by Concrete, we are reminded of how my dad loved your little village. You may still have a record of him as a subscriber. His name was Clair Smith and he was a West Seattle resident, where I was raised and still live.
Enclosed is a check from me to help you resurrect the Concrete Herald. Having worked myself for a community newspaper, “The West Seattle Herald,” I totally support your thought that people want to read about what is happening in their own community.
I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor!
Ann Dirks
Seattle, Wash.

Hi Jason,
I read the flyer in the bank the other day and thought – good for you. And of course we wish you luck. The fundraising will be going on for a while, it seems, so we’re hoping to donate once Tulip Festival begins. We will spread the word though…
Nicola and Stephen Murray
Sauk Mountain Pottery
Concrete, Wash.

Just got the press release and want to give you two thumbs up on the project. Go get ’em!
Mike Marino, editor
Prosser Record-Bulletin
Prosser, Wash.

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